About Getreal Initiative

Launched in June 2018 and will run until the end of April 2021, the GetReal Initiative is a project of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a EU public-private consortium consisting of pharmaceutical companies, academia, HTA agencies and regulators, patient organisations and SMEs. The ultimate goal is to drive the adoption of tools, methodologies and best practices from IMI GetReal and increase the quality of real-world evidence (RWE) generation in medicines development and regulatory/HTA processes across Europe. The work of the GetReal project will be continued in the GetReal Institute, a sustainable platform to further the development and use of RWE methods.

Achievements of GetReal

Over the years, GetReal has developed a set of Tools. Including ADDIS, the RWE Navigator, the Trial Tool, our courses and the Real-World Evidence Study Design Landscape Tool .
RWE research community
We are a leading RWE research community partnership on science and innovation in RWE.
Establishing a small self-sustaining unit
The GetReal Institute, which will launch in May 2021 will be not-for-profit unit which ensures that the tools, knowledge and educational materials generated in GetReal will remain available. Also see our Fact Sheet

The GetReal Initiative Consortium

The consortium consists of 16 partners and is built on the original IMI GetReal consortium. The consortium brings together the critical expertise needed, with experts from academia, HTA bodies, industry and patient organisations, among others.


The GetReal Initiative project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 807012. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.